NJHS Meeting Dates
NJHS meets on Friday mornings at 7:30 AM in A-7, unless notified otherwise. Only current members should attend - no siblings please.
All seventh and eighth grade students are welcome to apply for National Junior Honor Society. Applications will be made available at the end of the first marking period and are due on the date indicated on the application. Students who apply will need to fill out an activity sheet and write an essay expressing their interest, along with securing teacher recommendations. Students are then selected after a thorough review of their character, leadership, citizenship, service and scholarship. If selected, students must maintain a 3.0 standards average or higher, with no 1s as any class grade, to continue in the organization. Members are also held to the high expectations of character and integrity, which includes maintaining appropriate behavior within discipline guidelines. Any behavior warranting administrative consequences will result in a hearing and possible dismissal.
Club Advisors
Cristin Butler and Jessica Palo